writing cooler than the millions

what has really gotten me interested in my own writing again is this lack of political fiction out there. most writing is for an escape. i came to the conclusion that i didn't want my writing to be like that. the books i had written until recently had been very political, with this is hardcore, the latest book, being more about escapist thriller fiction. there's nothing wrong with that of course, but i am ready to return to my roots. some people had some strong reactions to desert sessions: an anti-corporate love story, and i want to be able to capitalize on that.
that being said, cooler than the millions will be a better balance of escapist/political/personal writing. it should be my best to date. i don't want to reveal too much, but the escapist elements will involve the search for a missing girl, and the degradation of her character from high society to self humiliation and bottom-feeding vermin. the political aspects will revolve around current issues of human rights abuses, and political justifications for murder and mayhem. and finally, the personal parts will once again involve characters based on real people in my life, particularly one woman who was the cause for all the confusion in my life over the past three months which resulted in me originally giving up on writing for a while.
at any rate, even though i haven't actually written anything substantial yet, it feels good to have finally beaten this writer's block and get those ideas down onto paper - er, word processor. it's funny, because i was supposed to have my first draft for cooler than the millions done by now, with the actual publication of it happening late summer. looks like i've got a lot of work ahead of me...