flight 93

the following is a transcript taken from the globe and mail. it is of the final few minutes of flight 93 from its voice-recorder on september 11, 2001 right before it slammed into the ground. it depicts a fight between the highjackers and a group of passengers as they struggle to get into the cockpit to overtake the plane. apparently they used a drink cart as a battering ram down the isle, where two highjackers were on the outside of the cockpit and on the inside, one highjacker wielded a fix axe. it's pretty amazing stuff. it will be interesting to see what the new united 93 movie will be like.
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The final minutes of Flight 93.
Combined with air-traffic control records and accounts of cellphone calls from the plane, excerpts of the transcript released yesterday of the recording in the cockpit of United Airlines Flight 93 paint the clearest picture yet of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001
*Note: Bold face around text is translated from Arabic
Terrorists take over
An unidentified member of the flight crew pleads with the hijackers as they take control of the plane
9:28 a.m.: Air traffic controllers hear someone in the cockpit say "Get out of here."
Passenger Tom Burnett calls wife, reports takeover.
Passenger Jeremy Glick calls his wife and describes the hijackers. He is told of the attack on the World Trade Center.
9:31:57: Ladies and gentlemen: Here the captain, please sit down keep remaining seating. We have a bomb on board. So sit.
9:32:10: Don't move. Shut up.
9:32:34: Sit, sit, sit down.
9:33:43: Finish, no more. No more.
9:34:00: Go ahead, lie down. Lie down. Down, down, down.
9:34:06: "There is someone ... Huh?"
9:34:27: Please, please, please ...
9:34:28: Down.
9:34:29: Please, please, don't hurt me ...
9:34:30: Down. No more.
9:34:31: Oh God.
Plane is turned around near Cleveland and pointed toward Washington, D.C.
9:35:40: I don't want to die.
9:35:41: No, no. Down, down.
9:35:42: I don't want to die. I don't want to die.
9:35:44: No, no. Down, down, down, down, down, down.
9:35:47: No, no, please.
9:37:06: "That's it. Go back."
9:37:36: "Everything is fine. I finished."
9:39:11: Ah. Here's the captain. I would like to tell you all to remain seated. We have a bomb aboard, and we are going back to the airport, and we have our demands. So, please remain quiet.
Passenger Marion Britton calls a friend and says two people have been killed.
The passengers fight back.
The hijackers defend the cockpit, threatening attacking passengers by showing them an axe through the window in the cockpit door.
9:45:19: "How about we let them in? We let the guys in now."
9:45:23: "OK."
9:45:25: "Inform them, and tell him to talk to the pilot. Bring the pilot back."
9:45:57: "In the name of Allah. In the name of Allah. I bear witness that there is no other God, but Allah."
9:48:38: Set course.
Flight attendant Sandra Bradshaw calls her husband and says they're boiling water to use against the hijackers.
9:53:20: "The best thing: The guys will go in, lift up the ... Unintelligible ... and they put the axe into it. So, everyone will be scared."
9:53:27: "Yes."
9:53:28: "The axe."
9:53:29: "No, not the."
9:53:35: "Let him look through the window. Let him look through the window."
9:57:55: "Is there something?"
9:57:57: "A fight?"
9:57:59: "Yeah?"
9:58:33: Unintelligible. "Let's go guys. Allah is greatest. Allah is greatest. Oh guys. Allah is greatest."
9:58:41: Ugh.
9:58:44: "Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh the most gracious."
9:58:52: Stay back.
9:58:55: In the cockpit.
9:58:57: In the cockpit.
9:58:57: "They want to get in here. Hold, hold from the inside. Hold from the inside. Hold."
9:59:04: Hold the door.
9:59:09: Stop him.
9:59:17: "What?"
9:59:18: "There are some guys. All those guys."
9:59:20: Lets get them.
9:59:42: "Trust in Allah, and in him."
10:00:06: "There is nothing."
The crash.
The hijackers rock the plane to stop attacking passengers before slamming it into the ground.
0:00:07: "Is that it? Shall we finish it off?"
10:00:08: "No. Not yet."
10:00:09: "When they all come, we finish it off."
10:00:11: "There is nothing."
10:00:15:I'm injured.
10:00:22: "Oh Allah. Oh Allah. Oh Gracious."
10:00:25:In the cockpit. If we don't, we'll die.
10:00:29: "Up, down. Up, down, in the" cockpit.
10:00:33: "The" cockpit.
10:00:37: "Up, down. Saeed, up, down."
10:00:42:Roll it.
10:00:59: "Allah is the Greatest. Allah is the Greatest."
10:01:08: "Is that it? I mean, shall we pull it down?"
10:01:09: "Yes, put it in it, and pull it down."
10:01:12:... engine ...
10:01:16: "Cut off the oxygen."
10:01:18: "Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen. Cut off the oxygen."
10:01:41: "Up, down. Up, down."
10:01:41: "What?"
10:01:42: "Up, down."
10:01:59: Shut them off.
10:02:03: Shut them off.
10:02:14: Go.
10:02:14: Go.
10:02:15: Move.
10:02:16: Move.
10:02:17: Turn it up.
10:02:18: "Down, down."
10:02:23: "Pull it down. Pull it down."
10:02:25: Down. Push, push, push, push, push.
10:02:33: "Hey. Hey. Give it to me. Give it to me."
10:02:35: "Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me."
10:02:37: "Give it to me. Give it to me. Give it to me."
10:03:02: "Allah is the greatest."
10:03:03: "Allah is the greatest."
10:03:04: "Allah is the greatest."
10:03:06: "Allah is the greatest."
10:03:06: "Allah is the greatest."
10:03:07: "No."
10:03:09: "Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest."
10:03:09: "Allah is the greatest. Allah is the greatest."
10:03:11: Plane crashes in a field in Shanksville, Pa.