arianna huffington vs bill maher

she married millionaire michael huffington in 1986, and then subsequently divorced him in 1997. michael huffington soon after admitted his bisexuality, and there were suggestions that she knew full well his sexual interests when she entered into the marriage.
she appeared on bill maher’s show to promote her new book, on becoming fearless… in love, work, and life. here she talks about what makes a great leader in times of fear and I’ve got to admit, she’s dead on right. arianna huffington proves once again that the most gorgeous part of a woman is her mind (that and having great legs doesn’t hurt either). she's smart, funny, attractive and liberal; i think i’m in love.
and of course, bill maher’s new rules. here, he lambastes americans who gloat about living in the best country in the world. his point: it’s not enough to say you’re number one; you sort of have to prove it. say what you want about maher: at least he’s entertaining. he’s one of the few people on television that actually deserves his talk show.