fusion: colbert + stewart

i guess there is quite a novelty factor with these two, and it's getting a little silly. it's like the obsession people had with the whole "brangalina" thing with brad pitt and angelina jolie before they finally came out in public together and admitted their relationship. for months it was like: are they...? aren't they...? well, i guess you could call this one, "marice" or may favorite, "peezza."
despite the oddball nature of this media obsession, which i suppose i am foolishly participating in by blogging about this, there are some good laughs to come out of this. below is a video of last night's colbert report on the topic, with an addition of the daily show where former saturday night live comedian, norm mcdonald gets put on "the seat of heat" by jon stewart.
personally, i'm hoping for a george bush / stephen harper affair. we can call them "gephen." ah, if wishes were ponies...
